Saturday, January 21, 2012

Memory of Language Arts EDU 307-02

6th grade was my very first memory of language arts. 6th grade was also the first year we moved around to different classrooms-we had reading and writing: language arts. In this class i remember reading a lot! we always had reading assignments for homework and writing responses or summaries of our readings for homework as well.  I also remember one big project we had to do in our language arts class was writing a story. We had a story book packet and had to fill out and answer the questions in detail before moving onto actually writing our story. We had to answer questions about who our main characters were, what their personalities would be like, how they would dress and their role in the story. Questions about the setting were a big part of our story book packet as well-where would this story take place? describe in detail the setting and draw a picture of it. During the writing of our story book we would write and draw our pictures for our book. I also distinctly remember doing drafts and revision after revision after revision and peer review after peer review until we had our final copy. In language arts we also sang songs my favorite was the preposition song sang to the tune of yankee doodle. In 7th and 8th grade we didn't call it language arts-we just had english class. I remember a vast majority of my 6th grade year but don't remember 7th or 8th grade english classes that well-they start to blend together with my first 2 years of high school. I always remember enjoying language arts because i always loved to read. Its a sad reality that in college there isn't quite enough time to read what i want to read- doing so much reading of what is assigned to read-and some of the time they do not coincide.

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