Friday, March 9, 2012

Blog Post: Free Write 307-my life as a tall person

What is societies definition of "tall"? for women its far different than for men. A 6 foot man is considered average height while a 6 foot woman is considered tall. 

"ok everyone, line up by height: shortest to tallest." worst nightmare. I'm not quite sure when it dawned on me when i was tall, but i've always been taller than most people my age since Elementary school. I think i might have realized i was above average in height when i was 13 and a random woman in the grocery store asked for my autograph because she said she saw me on TV and couldn't believe she saw a UCONN Husky basketball player in person-i'm no UCONN husky-but i was also only 13. I've been told since i can remember that i was tall-but never really thought i was. In my house-i'm the shortest person-growing up in a house with a 7 foot tall dad, a 6'1 mom, and a 6 foot 6 older brother, I never thought i was out of the ordinary. 

Why is it that in society people feel its necessary and socially acceptable to approach a stranger and rudely ask them about their height or comment on my appearance and the fact that i am somewhat taller than average? i have come up with a few creative answers for the ridiculous questions people ask me about being tall...

1.) Do you play basketball?
Response you play miniature golf? 

2.) You dance? you don't play basketball?
Response: i'm also a gymnast and i clothesline myself on the uneven bars every time!

3.) wow! you're really tall...for a girl! 
Response: since when is it not ok for girls to be tall? ...i'm human too.

4.) You're so lucky you're tall! 
Response: ...try finding clothes that are long enough...not so jealous now are we?

Questions people have asked my dad:
1.) hows the weather up there?
response: its sunny up here...but if i spit on the ground it'll be raining where you are.

2.) are your legs real?
response:  there is no answer to this question...this is merely peoples stupidity and inconsiderate behavior for human kind. 

On a daily basis being tall is something i have to accommodate to. My old car wasn't the most roomy car for someone who has unproportionately long legs. I wouldn't consider myself to be an out of the ordinary tall-person but i get used to people staring wherever i go. I would love to be average height, i've always wished this-but i guess ya get what ya get and ya don't get upset!

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